
February Reads

So February was a bit of a wash for me when it comes to reading. I didn’t make through much with substance, but I did read a few books. This is an opportunity for me to share a couple of quick reads.


This book delves into luxury and is a great way to get an overview of what luxury was historically and is today.Maybe because I recently read cork dork and did my tour with fox and squirrel I really liked the chapter on perfume.

The book overall is a bit outdated, which makes sense since it came out in 2007. Coach was at its height then. Since the book was published they have died the death of oversaturation and are somewhat successfully attempting a rebirth. Editing overall wasn’t super great and the errors made the book stop and stutter for me in a few places but it didn’t take away from the knowledge gained. One take away for me was be sure you actually like what you like because it could be worthless.

Recommendation: Girl Goals Approved


The Idea of You

Lately, I’ve been reading more books with older women as main characters. I think it has to do with realizing one day I will be 30, and 40, and 50. Books have pretty much prepared me for everything so far so I’ll just keep reading. This was one of my quick reads. (Which I don’t really count in my Goodreads 50 books challenge.) It was fast-paced and a bit heartbreaking at points. If you loved One Direction and appreciate a slightly steamy read check this one out.

Recommendation: Girl Goals Approved


From Lukov With Love

I have yet to read a book by Mariana Zapata that I did not love. This one did not disappoint. If you were captivated by the ice skating at Winter Olympics this is definitely right up your alley. I usually don’t go for books where the romance starts where people hate each other. Especially if it’s based purely on misunderstanding, but she just writes so well. Another quick read, partly because I don’t close my kindle app until I’ve finished.

Recommendation: Girl Goals Gold Star

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